Category disambiguation evaluation against manual reference

This page shows the results from evaluating Category disambiguations against reference data that was annotated manually. Only words that had at least two alternatives in the disambiguation are included (for the others the result should be unambiguous). Thus, the correct percentage in the resulting data is much higher than this due to the many unambigious cases.

Latest Category evaluation

In the current data set, 1957/3412 cases (57.36%) were disambiguated correctly for all senses.

XXX TODO: trend data is collected, but graph is not yet generated

Error details

AbrahamismDruzeEnglishynA secretive religious community based mainly in the Middle East, specifically Lebanon, Syria, and Israel.
AbrahamismDruzeEnglishynA member of this community.
AbrahamismDruzeEnglishynOf, relating to, or to this religious community.
Acanthuroid fishbatfishEnglishnyAny of several anglerfish of the family Ogcocephalidae
Acanthus family plantsأذن الأرنبArabicynrabbit ears (Ruttya fruticosa)
AccountingcreditingEnglishnypresent participle of credit
AdvertisingwerbenGermanynto promote, advertise
AfricaAfricaEnglishynThe continent that is south of Europe, east of the Atlantic Ocean, west of the Indian Ocean and north of Antarctica.
AfricaAfricaEnglishynsub-Saharan Africa
AfricaAfricaEnglishynA province of the Roman Empire containing what is now modern Tunisia and portions of Libya.
AgriculturewarzywnikPolishynvegetable grower; vegetable farmer
AgriculturewarzywnikPolishynvegetable garden
AgricultureáchVietnamesenyto stop
AgricultureܦܠܚܬܐClassical Syriacynworker, peasant
AgricultureܦܠܚܬܐClassical Syriacyntiller, cultivator, farmer, agriculturalist
AgricultureসারBengalinypith, essence
AgricultureসারBengalinystrength, vigour, firmness
AgricultureChineseynto till land; to cultivate
AgricultureChineseynpaddy field; wet field
AgricultureChineseynfarmland in general; field
Agriculture耕耘Japaneseynplowing and weeding
Agriculture耕耘Japaneseynto plow and weed
Agriculture𐌰𐍃𐌰𐌽𐍃Gothicnysummer (hottest season)
AirthởVietnameseynto breathe out; to exhale
AirthởVietnameseynto breathe
AircraftdroneNorwegian Nynorsknydrone (male bee)
AircrafthecklerEnglishynAn aircraft flying attack missions at night.
Alcoholic beveragescoscorrónSpanishnynoogie (US)
Amaranths and goosefootsروثةArabicnysingulative of رَوْث‎ (rawṯ, “sharn”)
Amoebozoal diseasesamoebiasisEnglishynDisease associated with the presence of amoebas.
Amoebozoal diseasesamoebiasisEnglishynAny of various such diseases; most especially
Amoebozoal diseasesamoebiasisEnglishynAn infectious disease caused by the parasitic protozoan Entamoeba histolytica; amoebic dysentery.
AmphibianspererecaPortugueseyntree frog (frog of the family Hylidae)
Anatidsၜိုပ်Monynan equivalent for Pali haṃsa / swan
Anatidsၜိုပ်Monynan equivalent for Pali haṃsa / goose, duck
AnatomyclovenMiddle Englishnypast participle of cleven (“to split”)
AnatomycolannScottish Gaelicynbody
AnatomycolannScottish Gaelicynflesh
AnatomyfingerdocceOld Englishnyfoxglove Digitalis purpurea
AnatomyfuvuSwahilinya shell (casing)
AnatomyhakeNorwegian Bokmålyna chin (bottom of the face)
AnatomylymeMiddle Englishynorgan, body part
AnatomylymeMiddle Englishynlimb, extremity of the body
AnatomynatisLatinynrump, buttocks
AnatomyJapanesenyone thousandth / one thousandth of a 寸 (sun) (approximately 0.0303 mm)
AnatomyJapanesenyone thousandth / one thousandth of a 匁 (monme) (exactly 3.75 mg)
AnatomyJapanesenyone thousandth / one thousandth of a 割 (wari) (0.01 percent)
Anatomy𐌷𐌻𐌴𐌹𐌳𐌿𐌼𐌰Gothicynleft (left hand; the left side)
Ancient GreeceplatónicoSpanishnyplatonic (non-sexual)
Ancient Near EastエルサレムJapaneseynJerusalem (the claimed (and de-facto) capital city of Israel; the claimed capital city of Palestine)
Ancient Near EastエルサレムJapaneseynKingdom of Jerusalem (former Crusader kingdom of the 12th and 13th centuries, in modern-day Israel and Palestine)
Ancient RomekvestoroEsperantonytreasurer
Ancient RomekvestoroEsperantonyquestore
Animal body partsgaysaAfarynhorn
Animal body partskotwiczkaPolishnyDiminutive of kotwica.
Animal body partsróżekPolishyDiminutive of róg
Animal body partsstifleEnglishynThe joint between the femur and tibia in the hind leg of various four-legged mammals, especially horses, corresponding to the knee in humans.
Animal body partsstifleEnglishynA bone disease of this region.
Animal body partsstifleEnglishynTo cause (a dog, horse, or other four-legged mammal) to dislocate or sprain its stifle joint.
Animal soundsbrummogHungariannyto growl (to speak in a low-pitched voice)
Animal soundsbrummogHungariannyto growl (to utter something in a low-pitched voice)
Animal soundsrerdMiddle EnglishynA yelling or screeching sound; a yelp.
Animal soundsకిలకిలTelugunysound of laughter.
AnimalsfuglurFaroesenytwo of hearts
Anthemideae tribe plantscamomileEnglishnyShort for camomile tea.
AntssisiyQuechuaynto spread; to propagate
Apiales order plantslerthAlbaniannyfield garlic (Allium oleraceum)
AppearanceestéticaSpanishnhair salon, beauty shop
AppearanceestéticaSpanishynfeminine singular of estético
AppearancepulchritudoLatinynbeauty, attractiveness
AppearancepulchritudoLatinyna beautiful thing
ArithmeticգումարեմOld Armeniannyto assemble; to convoke; to gather together
ArithmeticգումարեմOld Armeniannyto assemble together, gather together
ArithmeticգումարեմOld Armeniannyto be astonished, amazed, surprised, confused
Artistic worksFMAEnglishnyInitialism of Filipino martial arts.
Asparagales order plantsChristmas bellsEnglishynA plant in genus Blandfordia, flowering plants native to Australia.
Asparagales order plantsdesert candleEnglishnyCaulanthus inflatus
Asparagales order plantsdesert candleEnglishnyEuphorbia abyssinica
Asparagales order plantsшырышKazakhnymucus
Asparagales order plantsшырышKazakhnyslug
AstronomyEridianEnglishnya theoretical inhabitant of the dwarf planet Eris
Astronomyyá’ałníí’Navajoynthe zenith
AthletesbowlerEnglishynOne who engages in the sport of bowling.
AthletesbowlerEnglishynThe player currently bowling.
AthletesbowlerEnglishynA player selected mainly for his bowling ability.
AthletesbowlerEnglishynThe pitcher.
Atmospheric phenomenaبرقPersianynelectricity
Atmospheric phenomenaMiyakon
Atmospheric phenomenaMiyakoynrain
Autismrain manEnglishynAn autistic, or mentally and/or socially impaired person.
Auto partsuitlaatDutchynexhaust, system through which burned gases, steam etc. are vented or otherwise discharged; especially used for a car exhaust
Auto partsگازPersianynaccelerator (accelerator pedal)
AutomobilesSelbstfahrerGermannya person who drives his or her own vehicle, rather than being driven by a chauffeur
AutomobilesSelbstfahrerGermannyan elevator that is operated by the passengers themselves, without the need for an elevator operator
AutomobilesSelbstfahrerGermannyany vehicle that a physically disabled person can operate without assistance
Automotiveput the pedal to the metalEnglishynTo press the gas pedal to the maximum extent.
AutomotiveстартерRussianynstarter (electric motor that starts an internal-combustion engine)
AviationMosquitoEnglishynThe De Havilland Mosquito, a Second World War military aircraft.
Baby animalsarcIrishynpiglet
Baby animalsleoncinoItalianynlion cub
Baby animalsleoncinoItalianynsmall lion
Bankingแบงก์Thaiynbank (financial institution).
Barangays of Santander, Cebu, PhilippinesTalisayCebuanoyna barangay in Santander, Cebu
Barangays of Toledo, Cebu, PhilippinesPoblacionCebuanoyna barangay in Toledo, Cebu
BarsbarCzechynbar (a business selling beverages)
BarsbarCzechynbar (the counter of such a premises)
BeddingunlanCebuanoyna pillow; a soft cushion used to support the head in bed
BeddingunlanCebuanoynto lay one's head on a pillow or onto something used similar to a pillow
BeekeepingludLower Sorbianynbee colony
Beloniform fishbillfishEnglishynOther fish with elongated jaws: / saury (Scomberesocidae)
Beloniform fishbillfishEnglishynOther fish with elongated jaws: / silver gar (Strongylura maritima, Belonidae)
BeveragessodaSpanishynsoda (soft drink)
BibleevangeliumNorwegian Bokmålyngospel (the teachings of Jesus Christ)
BibleevangeliumNorwegian BokmålynGospel (one of the first four books of the New Testament)
BibleЖүсіпKazakhynYusuf, a prophet in Islam, equivalent to Joseph (see Joseph in Islam)
BibleܒܥܠܕܒܒܐClassical Syriacnyenemy, adversary
BibleܒܥܠܕܒܒܐClassical Syriacnyaccuser
Biblical charactersAbrahamMiddle EnglishnyA male given name from Hebrew, equivalent to English Abraham.
Biblical charactersAdamNorwegiannyA male given name.
Biblical charactersAdanCebuanoynAdam
Biblical charactersDinaNorwegianynDinah (biblical character)
Biblical charactersEvaCzechnyA female given name.
Biblical charactersMariaDanishynMary (Biblical character)
Biblical charactersPaulusLatinnyA cognomen of the Aemilius clan.
Biblical charactersRafaelSwedishynRaphael (biblical character)
Bill and Hillary ClintonClintonistEnglishynA supporter of Hillary Clinton or Bill Clinton.
Bill and Hillary ClintonClintonistEnglishynPertaining to the politics of Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton or their supporters.
BiologystymulacjaPolishnystimulation (pushing or goading toward action)
BirdsburungIndonesianynbird (animal)
BirdsgangaEnglishnyAlternative form of ganja
BirdsgåsungeNorwegian Bokmålnya catkin (on a pussy willow)
BirdsܩܪܩܣܐClassical Syriacyngreat vulture
BirdsܩܪܩܣܐClassical Syriacynraven, crow
BirdsܩܪܩܣܐClassical Syriacynjay, magpie
BirdsმამალიGeorgianyncock, rooster
Birds of preygladaSwedishyna kite (bird)
BluesturkoosiFinnishnyA turquoise.
Bodily fluidsmjesečnicaSerbo-Croatianynmenstruation
Bodily functionspooEnglishynAlternative spelling of pooh: an instance of saying "poo".
Bodily functionspooEnglishynFeces.
Bodily functionspooEnglishynA piece of feces or an act of defecation.
Bodily functionspooEnglishynAlternative spelling of pooh: to say "poo".
Bodily functionspooEnglishynTo defecate.
Bodily functionspooEnglishynTo dirty something with feces.
Body partsagtangCebuanoynthe forehead; the part of the face above the eyebrows and below the hairline
Body partsagtangCebuanoynthe mons pubis
Body partsjituSiciliannyfew
Body partslapalapaCebuanonythe bottom of a shoe or boot
Body partsضهرSouth Levantine Arabicnynoon
BodybuildingflexEnglishynThe or an act of flexing.
BodybuildingflexEnglishynTo repeatedly bend one of one's joints.
BodybuildingflexEnglishynTo move part of the body using one's muscles.
BodybuildingflexEnglishynTo tighten the muscles for display of size or strength.
BooksknihaCzechynbook (a collection of sheets of paper bound together to hinge at one edge)
BooksknihaCzechynbook (a major division of a published work)
BookslibrarieMiddle Englishynlibrary, reading room
BookslibrarieMiddle Englishynbookshelf, bookcase
BookslibrarieMiddle Englishynarchive, collection (of texts)
BooksnaaltsoosNavajoynpapers, documentation, printed material: / book
BooksnaaltsoosNavajoynpapers, documentation, printed material: / encyclopedia
BooksspineEnglishynThe narrow, bound edge of a book that encloses the inner edges of the pages, facing outwards when the book is on a shelf and typically bearing the title and the author's and publisher's name.
BooksܕܦܐClassical Syriacnypole, beam, plank, joist
BooksܕܦܐClassical Syriacnyboard, tablet, table
BooksܕܦܐClassical Syriacnydiptych
BooksܕܦܐClassical Syriacnybrook
BotanygeteeqSemaiynbark (of tree)
BotanyKunigaminyKun: ぱー (phā)
BovinesboiGaliciannybrown crab (Cancer pagurus)
BrassicasкочанRussianny(human) head, noggin
BreastfeedingweaningEnglishynpresent participle of wean
BreastfeedingweaningEnglishynThe (passive) process of a child or animal ceasing to be dependent on the mother for nourishment.
Buddhism승복Koreannyacceptance, acknowledgement, concession (to a verdict, a result, a conclusion)
BuildingsܓܦܐClassical Syriacnyarm(s), bosom
BuildingsܓܦܐClassical Syriacnywing, feather; fin
BuildingsܓܦܐClassical Syriacnyarmful
BuildingsܓܦܐClassical Syriacnyell, fathom
Buildings and structuresbrógPolishnyrick, stack
BurialsepulcroSpanishyngrave, tomb
Caesalpinia subfamily plantscarobEnglishynAn evergreen shrub or tree, Ceratonia siliqua, native to the Mediterranean region.
Caesalpinia subfamily plantscarobEnglishynThe fruit of that tree.
Cakes and pastriescharlotteFrenchyncharlotte (dessert)
Card gameskulørDanishynsuit (each of the sets of a pack of cards distinguished by color and/or specific emblems)
Card gamesжандарSerbo-Croatiannygendarme
Card gamesछक्काNepalinya male homosexual
Card gamesछक्काNepalinysissy
Card gamesछक्काNepalinyany set of six / sixer
Card gamesछक्काNepalinyany set of six / a six
Card gamesपन्जाNepalinygloves
Card gamesपन्जाNepalinyclaw, paw
CarriagestrapEnglishynA light two-wheeled carriage with springs.
CatfishbullheadEnglishynany of a variety of related species of generally dark-colored catfish in the family Ictaluridae. / The black bullhead, Ameiurus melas.
CatfishbullheadEnglishynany of a variety of related species of generally dark-colored catfish in the family Ictaluridae. / The brown bullhead, Ameiurus nebulosus.
CatfishbullheadEnglishynany of a variety of related species of generally dark-colored catfish in the family Ictaluridae. / The yellow bullhead, Ameiurus natalis.
CaviomorphsagoutiEnglishynA rodent similar in appearance to a guinea pig but having longer legs, of the family Dasyprocta.
Celery family plantsbranca ursinaPortuguesenybear's breech (Acanthus mollis)
Celestial bodiesmweziTumbukanymonth
CephalopodsنوتيArabicynnautilus, a marine mollusc of a spiral shell
CetaceansdauphinFrenchyndolphin; the animal used as a charge
CheesessireneEnglishynA slightly crumbly brine cheese made of cow, sheep, and/or goat milk, similar to feta; popular in the Balkan peninsula.
Chemical elementscadmioItalianyncadmium
ChemistryneutraleItalianya neutral
ChesskingMiddle Englishnyking (monarch)
ChickensпетлеBulgariannyfiring cock, hammer, striker (of firearms)
ChildrenchamacoSpanishyna boy or teenager; a male youth
ChildrenchamacoSpanishyna kid (in general)
ChristianitypopericheMiddle Englishynpapacy, position of a pope
ChristianitypopericheMiddle Englishynpontificate, term of a pope
ChristianitysermounMiddle EnglishnyA (generally long and as a monologue) talk or speech by one person.
ChristianitysermounMiddle EnglishnyConversation, chatter; talking or conversing in general.
ChristianitysermounMiddle EnglishnyOne's manner or way of talking or writing; the hallmarks of one's prose.
ChristianitysermounMiddle EnglishnyA portion of a text devoted to a certain topic or domain.
ChristianitysermounMiddle EnglishnyA language; a form of speech used by a speech community.
ChristianityیرمیاہUrduynBook of Jeremiah
ChristianityیرمیاہUrduynJeremiah, a prophet; author of the Book of Jeremiah and the Lamentations
ChristmaskerstboomDutchynA Christmas tree, a decorated tree set up during the Christmas holiday season.
CitiesApsorusLatinnyLussino, an island situated off the Croatian coast
ClothingcoteMiddle EnglishynA coat, especially one worn as an undergarment or a base layer.
ClothingcoteMiddle EnglishynA coat or gown bearing somebody's heraldic symbols.
ClothingensembleEnglishynA coordinated costume or outfit; a suit.
Clothingfull dressEnglishynClothing worn on formal occasions.
ClothingkötőHungariannypresent participle of köt
ClothingkötőHungariannyknitter (a person who knits; a self-employed person who knits using a machine)
ClothingkötőHungariannybinder (something that is used to tie things up or together)
ClothingsobretudoPortuguesenyespecially, above all
ClothingvestNorwegian Bokmålnywest (compass point)
ClothingwristerEnglishynA knitted wrist covering
CollectiveschoirEnglishynSinging group; group of people who sing together; company of people who are trained to sing together.
CollectiveschoirEnglishynOne of the nine ranks or orders of angels.
CollectivespoczetPolishynfellowship, retinue
CollectivespoczetPolishynA unit of soldiers.
CollectiveszrzeszeniePolishnyverbal noun of zrzeszyć
Collectives人丁Chineseynadult males
Collectives人丁Chineseynpeople; population (people living within a political or geographical boundary)
Collectives人丁Chineseynmale servants
Collectives警察Chineseynpolice; police force
ColombiaサンタフェJapaneseynSanta Fe
ColorsblancFrenchynwhite color
ColorsblancFrenchynwhite (color)
ColorsquilpalliClassical Nahuatlynthe color of verdigris; blue green, turquoise, aquamarine.
ColorsquilpalliClassical Nahuatlynthe color of plants and verdure; bright green, leaf green, emerald.
ColorsrosaItalianynpink, rose
ColorsverdoEsperantoynthe color green
ColorsانگوریUrduyncolored of green grapes; light lime (color)
ColorsअरुणSanskritynthe colour of the dawn, dark red, or the mixture of red and black
ColorsअरुणSanskrityntawny (the colour)
CommunicationprzekręcaćPolishynto call (to contact by telephone)
Compass pointsmajjistralMalteseynthe northwest
ComputingemailEnglishynA system for transferring messages from one computer to another, usually through a network.
ComputingemailEnglishynA quantity of messages sent through an email system.
ComputingemailEnglishynA message sent through an email system.
ComputingemailEnglishynAn email address.
ComputingemailEnglishynTo send an email or emails to.
ComputingemailEnglishynTo send (something) through email.
ComputingemailEnglishynTo send, or compose and send, an email or emails.
ComputingtablaSpanishyntable (grid or matrix, in a book)
ConifersборBulgarianynpine, pine tree
ConifersелаBulgarianynfir tree
ConstructionmorterMiddle EnglishynGrout or mortar (that which holds bricks together)
ContainerskazettaHungariannycassette (small flat case containing magnetic tape)
ContainerskazettaHungariannycartridge, film cassette (film holder for 35 mm or sheet film)
CookingvařitCzechynto cook
CookingvařitCzechynto brew (about beer)
Cookware and bakewaregrillNorwegian Bokmålyna grill
Coronavirusstay-at-homeEnglishynOf rules or regulations, forbidding the populace to leave their domicile except under emergency or other special circumstances, especially for purposes of quarantine.
Coronavirusstay-at-homeEnglishynOf or relating to quarantine in the home.
CorvidskruczekPolishynDiminutive of kruk
CosmeticsлосьонRussianynmakeup remover
Counties of China互助Chinesenyto help one another; to help each other
Counties of China江陵ChineseynJiangling (a county of Jingzhou, Hubei, China)
CountriesܐܠܡܢܝܐAssyrian Neo-AramaicynGermany (a country in Europe; official name: Federal Republic of Germany)
Countries in Europeドイツ連邦共和国Japaneseynthe Federal Republic of Germany (official name of former West Germany)
Countries in Europeドイツ連邦共和国Japaneseynthe Federal Republic of Germany (official name of current Germany)
Countries in OceaniaワイJapanesenyThe name of the Latin-script letter Y .
Countries in OceaniaワイJapanesenyI, me
Countries in OceaniaワイJapanesenyWy
CrabsfiddlerEnglishynA burrowing crab of the genus Gelasimus, of many species. The male has one claw very much enlarged, and often holds it in a position similar to that in which a musician holds a fiddle.
Cranes (birds)mũrũaruKikuyunysick person, patient
CrimefilchEnglishynTo illegally take possession of (especially items of low value); to pilfer, to steal.
CrimefilchEnglishynSomething which has been filched or stolen.
CrimefilchEnglishynAn act of filching; larceny, theft.
CrimefilchEnglishynA person who filches; a filcher, a pilferer, a thief.
CrimefilchEnglishynA hooked stick used to filch objects.
CrimelugosCebuanoynto rape; to force sexual intercourse or other sexual activity upon (someone) without their consent
CrimenuthookEnglishnyA hook on a pole to pull down boughs for gathering nuts.
CrimeoutlawEnglishynA fugitive from the law.
CrimeoutlawEnglishynA criminal who is excluded from normal legal rights; one who can be killed at will without legal penalty.
CrimeoutlawEnglishynTo declare illegal.
CrimeoutlawEnglishynTo place a ban upon.
CrimeoutlawEnglishynTo remove from legal jurisdiction or enforcement.
CrimeoutlawEnglishynTo deprive of legal force.
CrimerouboPortugueseyntheft (act of stealing property)
CrimerouboPortugueseynrobbery (the practice of robbing)
CrimerouboPortugueseynloot; swag (burglar’s or thief’s booty)
CroakersyellowfinEnglishynAny of various fish with yellow fins. / yellowfin croaker (Umbrina roncador, in family Sciaenidae)
CrustaceansulangCebuanoynthe giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii)
CultureoqaluttuaqGreenlandicynmyth, story, legend, narrative
CurrenciesआनाHindiynan anna (¹⁄₁₆ of an Indian rupee)
CutleryvilicaSerbo-Croatianynfork (for eating)
CyprinidsuklejkaPolishygenitive/accusative singular of uklejek
Dairy productsjunketEnglishynA type of cream cheese, originally made in a rush basket; later, a food made of sweetened curds or rennet.
Dairy productsమీగడTeluguyncream (the fat part of milk which rises to the top; this part when separated from the remainder)
Dalbergieae tribe plantshagadCebuanonthe narra tree (Pterocarpus indicus)
Dalbergieae tribe plantshagadCebuanonthe wood from this tree
Daturasditch weedEnglishnywild marijuana, usually a type used for hemp production, eg, Cannabis sativa var. sativa.
Days of the weekSabadoCebuanoynSaturday
Days of the weeklobiiniKlamath-Modocnythe first one
Deathdeath sentenceEnglishynA decree that someone be put to death as a punishment for a crime; a sentence of execution.
Deathdeath sentenceEnglishynAnything that spells death.
DeathroadkillEnglishnya helpless victim
DeathunderworldEnglishynThe world of the dead, located underneath the world of the living; the afterlife.
DeathقتلArabicynto kill, to slay, to murder
DeathقتلArabicynto be killed
DeathقتلArabicynto kill, to massacre, to cause carnage
DeathقتلArabicynverbal noun of قَتَلَ‎ (qatala) (form I)
DeathقتلArabicynverbal noun of قُتِلَ‎ (qutila) (form I)
DeathقتلArabicynkilling, manslaughter, homicide, murder
DemonymsFriesDutchnyShort form for various names relating to Friesland or Frisians, such as the bovine race.
DemonymsFriesDutchnyFrisian (any of the Frisian languages)
DemonymsFriesDutchnyspecifically, West Frisian
DemonymsNumidianEnglishnyOf or pertaining to Numidia or its inhabitants.
DemonymsNumidianEnglishnya variety of Berber spoken by the people of Numidia
DemonymscanberranoSpanishnyof Canberra; Canberran (of or relating to Canberra, Australia)
DemonymscasentineseItaliannyof or pertaining to Casentino
DemonymscerdàCatalannyOf or pertaining to Cerdanya.
DemonymsceutíCatalannyOf or pertaining to Ceuta.
DemonymsliparotaItaliannyof or relating to Lipari or the Lipari people
DemonymsmonfortinoSpanishnyof Monforte
DemonymsñublenseSpanishnyof Ñuble
DenmarkRandersDanishynRanders, a port on the River Guden. The second-largest city in Region Midtjylland and sixth-largest city in Denmark.
DenmarkRandersDanishynThe capital of the eponymous municipality in which it is located.
Departments of FranceAriègeFrenchynAriège (a department of Occitanie, France)
DessertsgyümölcsízHungarianynjam, jelly, marmalade
Dessertsstrawberries and creamEnglishynA dish consisting of strawberries and whipped cream, often served with sugar on top.
Desserts最中Japaneseynwafer cake filled with bean jam
DialectsvärmländskaSwedishyndialect of the Swedish province Värmland
Dioscoreales order plantsChinese yamEnglishynDioscorea polystachya, the cinnamon vine
Dioscoreales order plantsChinese yamEnglishynThe tuber of the vine, used for food; nagaimo, Chinese potato.
DipteransczerwPolishynThe larva of certain hymenopterans, dipterans, and beetles, e.g. a maggot or woodworm.
DirectivesbridelMiddle EnglishynSupervision, monitoring, constraint, direction.
DirectivesbridelMiddle EnglishynSomething that constrains or directs; a guideline.
DirectiveschesenMiddle EnglishynTo choose; to select. / To choose to do.
DirectivesdetteMiddle EnglishnyGoods or possessions owed to or due to another person; a debt.
DirectivesdetteMiddle EnglishnyThe state of debt; the condition one is when one has a debt or monetary obligation.
DirectivesdetteMiddle EnglishnySomething that one deserves (negatively); one's fate or punishment.
DirectivesdetteMiddle EnglishnySin; acts which go against the dictates of a higher power.
DirectivesdetteMiddle EnglishnyAn legal action in order to collect a money owed to one.
DirectivesdetteMiddle EnglishnyHaving a debt or monetary obligation or having people owe debt towards you.
DirectivesdetteMiddle EnglishnyAppropriate, fitting, seemly; meshing with societal standards.
DirectivesdetteMiddle EnglishnyRequired, needful, necessary; not optional.
DirectivesdetteMiddle EnglishnyFitting, fair or deserving; according to justice.
DirectivesdeweMiddle EnglishynFitting, correct, suitable; enough for some end: / Expected or promoted by legislation or tradition.
DirectivesdeweMiddle EnglishynFitting, correct, suitable; enough for some end: / Required, obligated or necessary (especially as custom)
DirectivesdeweMiddle EnglishynSomething which is expected, customary or suitable.
DirectivesdeweMiddle EnglishynSomething which one is obligated or duty-bound to do.
DirectivesfiatEnglishynAn arbitrary or authoritative command or order to do something; an effectual decree.
DirectivesfiatEnglishynAuthorization, permission or (official) sanction.
DirectivesfiatEnglishynA warrant of a judge for certain processes.
DirectivesfiatEnglishynAn authority for certain proceedings given by the Lord Chancellor's signature.
Directives信號燈Chineseyntraffic light
Directives信號燈Chineseynsignal light; car indicator
DiseaseschipereChichewanya meal made of cooked, mashed beans
DiseaseskʼáakʼYucatec Mayaynsmallpox
DiseaseskʼáakʼYucatec Mayaynmeasles
DiseaseskʼáakʼYucatec Mayayncold sores
DogsKerberosCzechynCerberus, three-headed dog guarding the entrance to Hades
DogsсобачкаUkrainianynDiminutive of соба́ка (sobáka): / puppy
DogsсобачкаUkrainianynDiminutive of соба́ка (sobáka): / doggy
EducationscoilIrishynschool (educational institution)
EducationundergraduateEnglishynA student at a university who has not yet received a degree.
EducationundergraduateEnglishynOf, relating to, or being an undergraduate.
EducationéducationFrenchyneducation (all meanings)
Elateroid beetlesnotopodEnglishnyIn Latreille's system, a brachyurous decapod crustacean, such as a crab of the genera Homola, Dorippe, Dromia, Dynomene, Ranina.
Emergency medicineECCEnglishnyInitialism of error correcting code.
Emergency medicineECCEnglishnyInitialism of elliptic curve cryptography.
Emergency medicineECCEnglishnyInitialism of export control and customs.
Emergency medicineECCEnglishnyInitialism of electronic camera coverage.
EmotionschaSwahiliynto fear, be afraid
EmotionscollywobblesEnglishnyStomachache or stomach upset.
EmotionsfebleMiddle EnglishynFeeble, weak, or strengthless: / Cowardly, nervous, overcautious; lacking willpower.
EmotionsfebleMiddle EnglishynSad, grieving (because of misfortune or bad luck)
EmotionswoebegoneEnglishynFilled with or deeply affected by woe.
Emotions鬧心Chineseynagitated; troubled; annoyed; vexed
English cardinal numbersquattuorvigintillionEnglishyn10⁷⁵.
English cardinal numbersquattuorvigintillionEnglishyn10¹⁴⁴.
English female given namesBlissEnglishynA unisex given name from English.
English unisex given namesGlennEnglishnyA surname, from Scottish Gaelic, variant of Glen.
English unisex given namesKimberleyEnglishynA male given name transferred from the surname or place name (site of a battle in the Boer Wars).
English unisex given namesKimberleyEnglishynA female given name transferred from the surname, variant of Kimberly, popular in the 1960s and the 1970s.
English unisex given namesTempleEnglishynA male given name from Latin.
English unisex given namesTempleEnglishynA female given name from Latin.
EntertainmentblackfaceEnglishynA style of makeup in which a non-black person blackens their face, usually in order to portray a black person.
EquidsէշOld Armeniannybattering ram
EquidsէշOld Armeniannybridge of a violin or other musical instrument
EquidsէշOld Armeniannytwo stars in the constellation of Cancer (Asellus Borealis and Asellus Australis)
EquidsحصانArabicystallion, stud, sire
EthicsvertuleesMiddle EnglishynImmoral; lacking a sense of ethics or morality.
EthnographytautībaLatvianynethnicity, nation (the essence of a given nation or people, of a group with historically developed common features such as culture, language, psychology, a territory, etc.)
EthnographytautībaLatvianynethnicity, nationality (membership in a certain people, nation, or country)
Even-toed ungulatestiaMaorinyabdomen, stomach
Even-toed ungulatestiaMaorinyumbilical cord
Even-toed ungulatestiaMaorinysteering
Even-toed ungulatestiaMaorinyto steer
Exercisebunny hopEnglishnyA dance from the big band era, a variation of the conga.
Exercisebunny hopEnglishnyA jump made where both wheels leave the ground.
Exercisebunny hopEnglishnyA ground ball that hops along the field instead of rolling.
Exercisebunny hopEnglishnyto jump repeatedly to avoid enemy fire, especially in first-person shooters
ExonymsDouar an TanBretonynTierra del Fuego (island between Chile and Argentina)
ExonymsDouar an TanBretonynTierra del Fuego (archipelago between Chile and Argentina)
ExonymsFlandersEnglishynThe County of Flanders, of varying extent.
ExonymsFlandersEnglishynA subnational state in the north of federal Belgium, the institutional merger of a territorial region and the Dutch language 'community' which also has/shares some authority in the capital region Brussels.
ExonymsFlandersEnglishynTwo provinces in Belgian Flanders: (West-Flanders and East-Flanders).
ExonymsFlandersEnglishynShort for French Flanders, a former province of the French kingdom on territory taken from the above countship, now constituting the French department Nord.
ExonymsFriburgoItalianynFribourg (a canton of Switzerland)
ExonymsFriburgoItalianynFribourg (the capital city of Fribourg canton, Switzerland)
ExonymsGenoaEnglishynA province of Liguria, Italy.
ExonymsGenoaEnglishynThe capital city of Liguria, Italy, and also of the province of Genoa.
ExonymsGenoaEnglishyna maritime republic in northwestern Italy that existed from the 11th century until its disestablishment in 1797 when Napoleon formed the Ligurian Republic, a client state; Genoa briefly regained independence in 1814 before becoming quickly annexed by the Kingdom of Sardinia in 1815.
ExonymsMườngVietnameseynthe Muong people, a minority ethnic group in mountainous regions of Vietnam
ExonymsWarsawEnglishynThe capital city of Poland; capital city of the Masovian Voivodeship.
Extinct languagesThracianEnglishnyAn inhabitant of Thrace, regardless of ethnicity.
Extinct languagesThracianEnglishnyA member of a group of tribes who spoke the language Thracian. (See Wikipedia's article on the Thracians.)
FabricsgreynMiddle EnglishynAn article of fabric dyed with grain.
FabricspurpuraPolishnypurple color
FabricspurpuraPolishnypurple dye
FaceyacatlClassical Nahuatlnypoint
FaceyacatlClassical Nahuatlnyfront, lead
Fairy tale charactersRumpelstiltskinEnglishynThe fictional dwarf who is the title character of that story.
Fairy tale charactersThumbelinaEnglishynThe main character in this story.
FalconidsfalcoItaliannyfierce and astute person
FalconidsfalcoItaliannywarmonger, bellicist, hawk, war hawk
FamilysororalEnglishynOf or pertaining to a sister.
FamilysororalEnglishynRelated through someone's sister.
FamilyμητέραGreeknymother (the first example of something)
FamilyμητέραGreeknymother (something that is the greatest of its kind)
FamilyհարսArmenianyndaughter-in-law, sister-in-law (the woman in relation to her husband's family)
FamilyआजोबाMarathiyngrandfather, paternal or maternal
Family皇家Chinesenroyal family; imperial household
Fans (people)TolkienistEnglishnyTolkienian
Fantasy美人魚Chineseynmermaid; merperson; merfolk
FashionbaffsEnglishnyThird-person singular simple present indicative form of baff
FashionزيArabicnyverbal noun of زَوَى‎ (zawā) (form I)
FastenersbarretteEnglishynA clasp or clip for gathering and holding the hair.
FastenersbarretteEnglishynTo put (hair) into a barrette.
FearشجبArabicynto perish, to pass away, to fret
FearشجبArabicynto grieve, to mourn, to fret
FearشجبArabicynto let perish, to make vanish, to fret
FearشجبArabicynto affect with sadness, to grieve, to ail, to fret
FearشجبArabicynverbal noun of شَجَبَ‎ (šajaba) (form I)
FearشجبArabicyngrieving, mourning, sorrowful, fretful
FecesAaGermanynpoo, poop (faeces)
FecesкалRussianyndung, excrement, feces, poo
FemaleJapaneseyna female (plant or animal)
FemaleJapaneseyna female person; bitch
FemaleJapaneseyna female (plant or animal)
FemaleJapaneseyna female (plant or animal)
FemaleJapaneseynfemale (plant or animal)
Female animalsdamEnglishynFemale parent, mother, generally regarding breeding of animals.
Female animalsporcaLatinynsow (female pig)
Female family membersblood sisterEnglishnyA female bound to another one in commitment and friendship by a ceremonial mingling of blood.
Female family membersVietnameseyna paternal aunt (father's sister)
Female family membersVietnameseynI/me, your paternal aunt
Female family membersVietnameseynyou, my paternal aunt
Female peopleswatkaPolishynA matchmaker.
Female peopleswatkaPolishynThe mother of one's child-in-law.
Female peopleжонкаBelarusianynwoman
Female peopleжонкаBelarusianynwife
Feudalismvõ sĩ đạoVietnameseynbushido
Feudalismvõ sĩ đạoVietnameseyna samurai; a bushi
FibersabacáPortuguesenyabaca (Musa textilis, a species of banana)
FibersteereMiddle EnglishnyOf good quality or manners.
FibersteereMiddle EnglishnyAlternative form of tere (“tear”)
FibersteereMiddle EnglishnyAlternative form of teren (“to ruin by removing or splitting”)
Fictional characters小熊Chinesenylittle bear
FilmхлопушкаRussiannyplopper, pop gun, flapper
FingersfillipEnglishnySomething unimportant, a trifle; also, the brief time it takes to flick one's finger (see noun sense 1); a jiffy.
FingersfillipEnglishnySomething that excites or stimulates.
FingersfillipEnglishnyTo project quickly; to snap.
FingersfillipEnglishnyTo strike or tap smartly.
FireblazeEnglishynA fire, especially a fast-burning fire producing a lot of flames and light.
FireblazeEnglishynTo be on fire, especially producing bright flames.
FireblazeEnglishynTo set in a blaze; burn.
FireræscettanOld Englishynto crackle as a fire
FishnaselloItalianynhake (Merluccius merluccius)
FishγαλέηAncient Greeknyname given to various animals of the Mustelidae family, like martens, weasels and polecats
FishδράκαιναGreeknydragon (legendary serpentine or reptilian creature)
FishδράκαιναGreeknydragon, harridan, shrew (an unpleasant woman)
FishingsidewinderEnglishynA type of middle-distance deep-sea trawler widely used during the 1960s and 1970s.
FivequinaryEnglishnyAny of 72 rays associated with the Sun, six for each of the 12 houses of the Zodiac.
Florida, USAFLEnglishynFlorida, a state of the United States of America.
FlowersnebáncsvirágHungariannya sensitive, easily offendable person
FlowersnebáncsvirágHungariannya bashful, shy person who blushes easily
FlowersنیلوفرPersiannyA female given name, Nilufar or Niloofar, from Middle Persian.
Flowers紅花JapanesenyA female given name
Flowers紅花JapanesenyA female given name
FoodsFrittenGermanynfries, french fries, chips (UK)
FoodsFrittenGermanynplural of Fritte (“a single fry”)
FoodsdosaEnglishnyAlternative spelling of dosha
FoodsgiardinieraItalianyndiced, mixed vegetables cooked and then pickled
FoodsgoodyEnglishnyUsed to indicate pleasure or delight.
FoodsgoodyEnglishnyAny small, usually free, item.
FoodsgoodyEnglishnyGoodwife, a 17th-century puritan honorific.
FoodsgoodyEnglishnyAlternative form of goodie (“hero, good character in a story”)
FoodsgoodyEnglishnyThat which is good, the good part of something, which one desires to extract or use up.
FoodsgoodyEnglishnyAn American fish, the lafayette or spot.
FoodsgoodyEnglishnySynonym of goody-goody (“mawkishly good; weakly benevolent or pious”)
FoodsicingEnglishynA sweet, often creamy and thick glaze made primarily of sugar, often enriched with ingredients like butter, egg whites, or flavorings, typically used for baked goods.
FoodssotilenMiddle EnglishynTo lessen someone's food intake.
FoodstendieEnglishnyThe money or financial instruments that are gained by independent currency or securities traders following a successful wager or risk.
FoodsхъурмэAdyghenydate palm tree
Foodsప్రసాదముTelugunyFavour, kindness, grace.
Foodsസദ്യMalayalamynKerala feast consisting of rice and numerous dishes, usually served in banana leaf
Foodsസദ്യMalayalamyna heavy rice meal with many dishes
Foodsข้าวต้มThaiynTeochew-style rice porridge.
Foodsข้าวต้มThaiyna dessert of glutinous rice with a filling, wrapped with leaves and steamed or boiled.
FoodsἐλατήρAncient Greeknydriver, especially of horses, charioteer
FoodsἐλατήρAncient Greeknyrower, oarsman
FoodsἐλατήρAncient Greeknyone that drives away
Football (soccer)მეკარეGeorgiannyporter
Football (soccer)キックオフJapaneseynkick-off (opening kick of a game)
Football (soccer)キックオフJapaneseynkick off (make the first kick of a game)
FootwearthongEnglishnyA strip of leather.
FootwearthongEnglishnyAn undergarment or swimwear consisting of very narrow strips designed to cover just the genitals and nothing more.
FootwearthongEnglishnyThe largest section of a bullwhip constructed of many straps of braided leather.
FootweartàcEmilianynthe back of a shoe
FootweartàcEmilianynheel of a shoe
Forms of discriminationageistEnglishnyA person who behaves in an ageist manner.
Forms of governmentBundesrepublikGermannyFederal Republic of Germany
Forms of government民主Chineseyndemocracy
Forms of government民主Chineseynmonarch
Forms of government民主Chineseyndemocratic
French cardinal numberssoixante-neufFrenchynsixty-nine
French ordinal numbersnonantièmeFrenchynninetieth
French ordinal numbersnonantièmeFrenchynninetieth
FruitsnaranjillaSpanishyna naranjilla (fruit)
FruitspassaPortugueseyndried fruit
FruitspassaPortugueseynraisin (dried grape)
FruitsthơmVietnamesenyfragrant, sweet-smelling; of a pleasant aroma
FruitsthơmVietnamesenyto kiss
FruitsխնձորOld Armenianynapple (fruit)
FurniturecabinetEnglishynA storage closet either separate from, or built into, a wall.
FurniturecabinetEnglishynA cupboard.
FurnitureclósetSpanishnycloset (the state of being secretly gay)
FurnituremecedorSpanishnyrocking (that rocks, swings)
FurnituretavolinoItalianyna small table, an occasional table, a card table
FurnitureمكتبSouth Levantine Arabicnyoffice
Furry fandomyiffyEnglishynOf or pertaining to yiff (sexual intercourse among furries).
Furry fandomyiffyEnglishynSexually aroused
GadiformsまだらJapanesenybeing variegated
GaitstroopEnglishynTo march on; to go forward in haste.
GaitstroopEnglishynTo move or march as if in a crowd.
GamesgraPolishynthird-person singular present indicative of grać
GenderbaineannachIrishynhaving female offspring
Genisteae tribe plantsyellow broomEnglishnyCytisus scoparius
Genisteae tribe plantsyellow broomEnglishnyBaptisia tinctoria, of tribe Thermopsideae: subfamily Faboideae.
GeographyLähi-itäFinnishynMiddle East
GeographyLähi-itäFinnishynNear East
GeographympakaSwahiliynborder, boundary (dividing line or location between two areas)
GeometryhyperspatialEnglishynPertaining to hyperspace.
GeometryhyperspatialEnglishynOf or pertaining to multi-dimensional geometry.
Geraniales order plantsiglicaPolishynAny plant of the genus Erodium, particularly the redstem filaree (Erodium cicutarium).
GermanyRenoItaliannyReno (river)
GoatsܥܙܐClassical SyriacnyCapella
GodJehovahEnglishynThe personal name of God in the Hebrew Scriptures; in Hebrew, יהוה‎ (YHVH)
GodsdivinitasLatinyndivinity, Godhead, godhood
Gourd family plantsbučaSloveneynpumpkin, squash
Gourd family plantscantaloupeEnglishynA melon of species Cucumis melo subsp. melo with sweet orange flesh, with numerous cultivars in several cultivar groups. / Smooth-skinned, also known as true cantaloupe, found in the Middle East and also grown in Europe.
Gourd family plantscantaloupeEnglishynA melon of species Cucumis melo subsp. melo with sweet orange flesh, with numerous cultivars in several cultivar groups. / Having a rough skin resembling netting; also known as muskmelon or rockmelon.
GovernmentministerialEnglishynRelated to a governmental minister or ministry.
GovernmentministerialEnglishynHaving the power to wield delegated executive authority.
GrainsgrãoPortuguesenygrain (single particle of a substance)
GrainsgrãoPortuguesenygrain (unit of measure)
GrainsgrãoPortuguesenygrand; great; grand-
GrainsܚܛܬܐClassical Syriacnycollyrium
GrainsܚܛܬܐClassical Syriacnynipple
Grains小米ChinesenyXiaomi (Chinese electronics company)
GrammarsubgrammaticalEnglishynUsing substandard grammar; less than grammatically correct.
GrammarsubgrammaticalEnglishynRelating to a subgrammar.
Graph theoryarcoItalianynarc
GrassesneedlegrassEnglishynAny of several genera of Poaceae grasses: / Achnatherum spp.
GrassesneedlegrassEnglishynAny of several genera of Poaceae grasses: / Aristida (threeawns)
GrassesneedlegrassEnglishynAny of several genera of Poaceae grasses: / Hesperostipa
GrassesneedlegrassEnglishynAny of several genera of Poaceae grasses: / Nassella
GrassesneedlegrassEnglishynAny of several genera of Poaceae grasses: / Stipa (feathergrasses)
GrassesneedlegrassEnglishynAny of several genera of Poaceae grasses: / Triraphis
GrassesقامشOttoman Turkishynreed; phragmites
GrassesقامشOttoman Turkishynbamboo
GrassesقامشOttoman Turkishyna piece of reed, or something made of reed
GreeceThyridesLatinynA promontory of Laconia
GreeceThyridesLatinynAn island of the Ionian Sea mentioned by Pliny
Greek deitiesArtemisaSpanishnyA province of Cuba
Greek letter namesjotaDutchyniota (Greek letter)
Greek mythologyCaronteSpanishnyCharon (moon of Pluto)
Greek mythologytlacamazatlClassical NahuatlnyA rabid person.
Greek mythologyῬοδόπηAncient GreeknyRhodope Mountains
GreyspelēksLatviannygray, cloudy
GreyspelēksLatviannycolorless, commonplace, uninteresting, unhealthy
Gymnasticsbattered savEnglishnyA saveloy that has been coated in batter and deep fried.
Hairbarber chairEnglishnyA tree which splits vertically while being felled, causing part of the tree to remain upright while the remainder of the tree falls.
Hairbarber chairEnglishnyAlternative form of barber-chair
HairherlEnglishyna strand of hair
HairkapperDutchynbarber, hairdresser
HearingclywWelshynhearing (sense used to perceive sound)
HearingclywWelshynthird-person singular present/future of clywed
HearingclywWelshynsecond-person singular imperative of clywed
HearingsüketHungarianyndeaf (unable to hear)
Heather family plantspartridgeberryEnglishynAny of various plants, including / teaberry, Gaultheria procumbens
HerbssaugeMiddle Englishynsage (Salvia officinalis or its product)
HerbssaugeMiddle EnglishynAny plant of the genus Salvia.
HerbsweldEnglishynA herb (Reseda luteola) related to mignonette, growing in Europe, and to some extent in America, used to make a yellow dye.
HidesfleeceEnglishynHair or wool of a sheep or similar animal
HidesfleeceEnglishynInsulating skin with the wool attached
HidesfleeceEnglishynTo shear the fleece from (a sheep or other animal).
Hindi cardinal numbersषष्ठीHindiynsixth
Hindu deitiesJagannathEnglishnyA male given name from Sanskrit used commonly in India.
Historical periodsDark AgesEnglishnyDark Ages, 380 thousand to about 1 billion years after the Big Bang.
Historical politiesBontocCebuanoyna former Spanish commandancy
HolidaysZiemassvētkiLatvianynChristmas (holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ)
HoneyeatersleatherheadEnglishynThe friarbird.
Horse tackchomątkoPolishythimble (metal ring which a cable or rope intended for attaching to other things is looped around as a protection against chafing)
Horse tackcinchaSpanishyngirth (for horses or similar animals)
Horse tackκεκρύφαλοςAncient Greekynpart of the headstall of a bridle
HorsesgeldingEnglishynA castrated male horse.
HorsesαλογατάρηςGreekynhorseman, ostler, stableman
HorsesαλογατάρηςGreekynhorse dealer
HouseholdpenatiItalianynhousehold gods
HouseholdpenatiItalianynhousehold deities
HygieneunwashedEnglishnyVulgar, plebeian, lowbrow.
Indiana, USAアナポリスJapanesenyAnápolis (a municipality of Goiás, Brazil)
IndividualsAchillesCebuanonya male given name from Ancient Greek
IndividualsAdamEnglishynThe first man and the progenitor of the human race.
IndividualsArtemisiaLatinynArtemisia I of Caria (Queen of Halicarnassus, Cos, Nisyros, and Calyndos circa 480 BC; daughter of Lygdamis and mother of Pisindelis; commander-in-person of her forces at the naval battles of Artemisium and Salamis during the Greco-Persian Wars)
IndividualsArtemisiaLatinynArtemisia II of Caria (sister, wife, and successor [353–351 BC] of King Mausolus of Caria, after whose death and in whose honour she ordered the building of the renowned Mausoleum at Halicarnassus)
IndividualsHuldaGermanynHuldah (biblical figure)
IndividualsJamesMiddle EnglishynJames the Greater or James the Less (apostles)
IndividualsManzoniItaliannyA surname​.
IndividualsNoemiItaliannyA female given name
IndividualsNoéFrenchnyA male given name of biblical origin.
IndividualsPaavaliFinnishnyA male given name, rather rare in this biblical spelling.
IndividualsPicassoSpanishnyA surname​.
IndividualsPicassoSpanishnyPicasso (work of art by Pablo Picasso)
IndividualsΠήδασοςAncient GreekynPedasus, the name of a Trojan soldier mentioned in the Iliad
IndividualsΠήδασοςAncient GreekynPedasus, the name of a horse mentioned in the Iliad
IndonesiaAcehEnglishynA special territory (province) of Indonesia, located on the northern tip of the island of Sumatra.
InsectskipepeoSwahiliynbutterfly (insect)
InsectsբլոճArmeniannyinsignificant person
Insects螳螂Japaneseyna mantis (any of various large insects of the order Mantodea)
Insects螳螂Japaneseyna mantis
IslandsSabaItaliannyA male given name of historical usage, equivalent to English Sheba
IslandsΧίοςGreekynChios (an island, and its capital, in the northeast Aegaean Sea)
Italian ordinal numbersnovantaduesimoItalianynninety-second
Italian ordinal numbersnovantaduesimoItalianynninety-second
ItalyItalianEnglishynPertaining to Italy, its people or its language.
ItalyItalianEnglishynAn inhabitant of Italy, or a person of Italian descent.
ItalyItalianEnglishynThe official language of Italy, also spoken in San Marino, the Vatican, and parts of Switzerland.
ItalyItalianEnglishynA style of cuisine or individual dishes of or associated with Italy or Italian people.
ItalyItalianEnglishynA type of linen or cotton cloth with satin finish used primarily for linings, Italian cloth.
ItalyItalianEnglishynItalian vermouth, a dark-colored, sweet or mildly bitter vermouth.
ItalyItalianEnglishynAn Italian sandwich.
JudaismפֿרוםYiddishnyreligious; pious
KnittingcniotáilIrishynverbal noun of cniotáil
KnittingcniotáilIrishynknitting; knitted material
LGBTbayotTagalogynmale homosexual
LGBTgayelleEnglishynA lesbian.
LGBTmoffieAfrikaansynhomosexual man
LGBTslash fictionEnglishynA genre of fan fiction focusing on romantic and/or sexual relationships between characters of the same sex (typically men).
LGBTslash fictionEnglishynA work in the genre of slash fiction
LagomorphsušákCzechnyarmchair with ears
Lakes黑海ChinesenyBlack Sea (sea between Europe and Asia)
Lamniform sharksmackerel sharkEnglishynAny shark of the order Lamniformes, having two dorsal fins an anal fin, five gill slits and eyes without nictitating membrane
Lamniform sharksmackerel sharkEnglishynAny shark of the family Lamnidae.
LandformsobniżeniePolishnyverbal noun of obniżyć
LandformsobniżeniePolishnydecrease, dip, drop, decline
LandformsslewEnglishynA wet place; a river inlet.
Language familiesCelticEnglishnyAny of several sports teams. See Wikipedia for a list.
Language familiesCelticEnglishnyOf or relating to the Celts.
Language familiesIndo-IranianEnglishynA branch of the Indo-European language family, including the Indic and Iranian languages.
Language familiesIndo-IranianEnglishynA member of any peoples speaking such a language.
Language familiesIndo-IranianEnglishynOf or relating to such a language or member.
Language familiesTurksDutchnyTurkish
Language familiesTurksDutchnyTurkish language
LanguagesAramaeanEnglishnyAny member of a West Semitic semi-nomadic and pastoralist people who lived in the Levant and later also in upper Mesopotamia (Biblical Aram) during the Late Bronze Age and the Iron Age. They spoke Aramaic.
LanguagesAramaeanEnglishnyOf or pertaining to Aramaeans or Aram.
LanguagesHuaoraniEnglishnyA member of a Native American people from the Amazonian Region of Ecuador.
LanguagesKabardianEnglishnyA member of a Circassian tribe of the Northwest Caucasus.
LanguagesKabardianEnglishnyOf or relating to this tribe.
LanguagesLinduEnglishnyA certain ethnic group of Indonesia.
LanguagesPunjabiDutchnyPunjabi (person)
LanguagesSyeEnglishnyA male or female given name
LanguagesTewaEnglishnyA member of an indigenous people of New Mexico and Arizona.
LanguagesYawuruEnglishynA Nyulnyulan language of the indigenous people of Western Australia.
LanguagesbabiloniCatalannyBabylonian (inhabitant of Babylon)
LanguagesbaszkHungariannyBasque (person)
LanguagesbosniskNorwegian NynorsknyBosnian (as above)
LanguagescatalanăRomaniannynominative feminine singular of catalan
LanguagescatalanăRomaniannyaccusative feminine singular of catalan
LanguagescatalanăRomaniannya Catalan woman
LanguageseslovacoGaliciannySlovak (person from Slovakia)
LanguagesheettiFinnishynThe Hittite language.
LanguagesnenetsiFinnishnyNenets (person)
LanguagesnepáliHungariannyNepalese (person)
LanguagesotomíSpanishnya member of the Otomi people
LanguagesyupikPortugueseynYup'ik (a language of the Eskimo-Aleut family)
LanguagesαγγλικήGreeknyNominative singular feminine form of αγγλικός (anglikós).
LanguagesαγγλικήGreeknyAccusative singular feminine form of αγγλικός (anglikós).
LanguagesαγγλικήGreeknyVocative singular feminine form of αγγλικός (anglikós).
LanguagesइतालियनHindinyItalian, of or pertaining to Italy
LanguagesइतालियनHindinyItalian person
Latin letter namesuCatalanynThe Latin letter U (lowercase u).
Latvian cardinal numbersdeviņiLatvianynnine (the cipher, the cardinal number nine)
Latvian cardinal numbersdeviņiLatvianynnine (an amount equal to nine)
Laughtercrease upEnglishnyTo become creased.
LaughterlaughterEnglishynThe sound of laughing, produced by air so expelled; any similar sound.
LaughterlaughterEnglishynA movement (usually involuntary) of the muscles of the laughing face, particularly of the lips, and of the whole body, with a peculiar expression of the eyes, indicating merriment, satisfaction or derision, and usually attended by a sonorous and interrupted expulsion of air from the lungs.
LaughtersmieklīgsLatvianynfunny, humorous, amusing (such that it causes laughter, cheerfulness)
LawforsweryngeMiddle EnglishynThe act of perjuring oneself; false testimony.
LawtoilenMiddle EnglishynTo enter into a legal case; to debate or promote a view.
Law正法Chineseynto execute a criminal
Law正法Chineseynthe proper law or rule
Law正法Chineseynexecution of a criminal
Law enforcementconstableEnglishynOne holding the lowest rank in most Commonwealth police forces. (See also chief constable.)
Law enforcementconstableEnglishynA police officer or an officer with equivalent powers.
Law enforcementconstableEnglishynA public officer, usually at municipal level, responsible for maintaining order or serving writs and court orders.
Law enforcementconstableEnglishynTo act as a constable or policeman.
LeadersdirectorEnglishnyA counselor, confessor, or spiritual guide.
LeadersdirectorEnglishnyThat which directs or orientates something.
LeadersdirectorEnglishnyA device that displays graphical information concerning the targets of a weapons system in real time.
LeadersdirectorEnglishnyThe common axis of symmetry of the molecules of a liquid crystal.
Legal occupationsattorneyEnglishnyTo provide with a legal attorney.
Legumeslady's fingerEnglishynThe kidney vetch.
LegumesθερμόςAncient Greeknywarm, hot, boiling, glowing
LegumesθερμόςAncient Greeknyhotheaded, hasty, rash, headstrong
LegumesθερμόςAncient Greeknyeager, active, fresh
Leptonsđiện tửVietnameseynelectron
Letter namesնուArmenianynthe name of the Armenian letter ն (n)
Lighteadar-sholasachScottish Gaelicynhaving twilight
Lighteadar-sholasachScottish Gaelicynglimmering (as twilight)
Light sourcesHMIEnglishynInitialism of hydrargyrum medium-arc iodide. (a kind of lamp)
Light sourcesćhonRomaniynmoon
Light sourcesϣⲟⲩⲣⲏCopticnycenser
Light sourcesϣⲟⲩⲣⲏCopticnyaltar
Light sourcesܫܡܫܐClassical Syriacnygold
Light sourcesܫܡܫܐClassical Syriacnykind of lizard
Light sourcesܫܡܫܐClassical Syriacnyservant, attendant
Light sourcesܫܡܫܐClassical Syriacnyminister, deacon, (rare) priest
Liliales order plantsزنبقOttoman Turkishnyiris
LimbslimbEnglishynA major appendage of human or animal, used for locomotion (such as an arm, leg or wing).
LimbslimbEnglishynTo remove the limbs from (an animal or tree).
LiquidsзатечьRussianynto flow (in), to pour (into), to leak (into)
Literary genresfantasyPolishynfantasy (genre)
Literary genresfantasyPolishynfantastical (of or pertaining to fantasy)
LiteraturenovelEnglishnyNewly made, formed or evolved; having no precedent; of recent origin; new.
LiteraturenovelEnglishnyOriginal, especially in an interesting way; new and striking; not of the typical or ordinary type.
LiteraturenovelEnglishnyA novelty; something new.
LiteraturenovelEnglishnyA new legal constitution in ancient Rome.
Literature作品Chinesenywork of art; art piece; artwork
LocksխլուրդArmeniannymole (animal)
LocksխլուրդArmeniannysmall lizard
LocksխլուրդArmeniannygangrene, canker
MahabharataగొంతిTelugunyA woman.
MaleseanduineIrishynold person; old man; ancient, sage
Male老的Chinesenyparents; mother and father; mum and dad
Male animalsbocScottish Gaelicynbuck, roebuck
Male animalsbocScottish Gaelicynbillygoat, male goat
Male animalsdemAlbaniannymain load-bearing beam in a floor
Male animalssorMiddle EnglishnyAlternative form of sore
Male animalssorMiddle EnglishnyAlternative form of sore
Male animalssorMiddle EnglishnyAlternative form of sore
Male animalssorMiddle Englishnysorrel (red-brown; used to describe animals)
Male animalssorMiddle EnglishnyA sorrel horse.
Male athleteskopáčCzechynkicker
Male athleteskopáčCzechynfootballer
Male occupationschłodnikPolishyncooling specialist
Male occupationshajdukPolishynhajduk (outlaw, highwayman or freedom fighter in the Balkans)
Male occupationshajdukPolishynhajduk (mercenary foot soldier in Hungary)
Male occupationshajdukPolishynhajduk (attendant in German or Hungarian courts)
Male occupationsrachmistrzPolishyncomputer (person)
Male occupationsrachmistrzPolishynaccountant (one whose profession includes organizing, maintaining and auditing the records of another)
Male peoplebadylarzPolishnyA male deer or elk.
Male peopleprowokatorPolishynprovocateur, provoker
Male peopleprowokatorPolishynagent provocateur
Male peoplesiromahSerbo-Croatianynpauper, poor man
Male peoplesiromahSerbo-Croatianynpoor, wretched man
Male peopleučeňCzechynapprentice
Male peopleučeňCzechynstudent in a vocational school
Male peopleślepyPolishnyblind
Male peopleślepyPolishnya blind person
Male peopleборецRussianynfighter, champion
Male peopleборецRussianynwrestler
Mallow family plantsbamiyəAzerbaijaniynokra, ladies' fingers
Malpighiales order plantsamlaEnglishynPhyllanthus emblica, a deciduous tree.
Malpighiales order plantsamlaEnglishynthe bitter yellow-green fruit of this tree.
MammalskëlyshAlbanianynanimal young, baby animal (of a guadruped mammal)
MammalsmazatlClassical Nahuatlnybeast, wild animal
MammalsmazatlClassical NahuatlnyThe seventh day sign of the Aztec tōnalpōhualli, a deer's head.
MammalsmëzatAlbanianynmale stirk, yearling calf
MammalsmëzatAlbanianynbullock (young bull)
MammalsسنہUrdunyThe constellation Leo
MammalsسنہUrdunyA Leo
MammalsغنمSouth Levantine Arabicynsheep
MammalsغنمSouth Levantine Arabicynsheep and goats
MammalsสุนัขThaiySynonym of หมา (mǎa)
MammalsสุนัขThaiySynonym of หมา (mǎa)
MammalsเสือThainybandit; outlaw.
MarijuanaakvopipoEsperantoynwater pipe / hookah, shisha, narghile
MarijuanaakvopipoEsperantoynwater pipe / bong
MarriagecoupleEnglishynTo join in wedlock; to marry.
MarriageesküvőHungariannypresent participle of esküszik
MarriagegroomdomEnglishynThe state, quality, or condition of being a groom; groomhood.
MarriagegroomdomEnglishynGrooms collectively.
MarriagelordlesMiddle Englishynunmarried (of a woman)
MaterialsᒪᓯᓇᐦᐃᑲᐣPlains Creeynpaper
MathematicsdelMiddle EnglishynA part, proportion or section of something.
MathematicsdelMiddle EnglishynA quantity or number of something; a deal or lot.
Measuring instrumentsปรอทThainymercury; quicksilver.
Measuring instrumentsปรอทThainy(พระ~) fever.
Measuring instrumentsปรอทThainyused to describe a very quick movement.
MeatsbraciolaItalianynsteak (with no bone)
MeatschitterlingsEnglishynSmall intestine, boiled and fried, usually of a pig. Sometimes prepared with hog maws.
MeatschitterlingsEnglishynplural of chitterling
MechanicsweightEnglishynMass (atomic weight, molecular weight, etc.) (in restricted circumstances)
MechanicsweightEnglishynThe resistance against which a machine acts, as opposed to the power which moves it.
MedicinemedicinSwedishynmedicine (the art of curing illness)
MedicinemedicinSwedishynmedicine, drug (a substance which promotes healing)
MetalsargentumLatinynsilver (metal, element)
MetalspilakCebuanonythe color silver
MicrosoftICAEnglishynInitialism of Innovative Communications Alliance, an alliance formed by Microsoft and Nortel to develop unified communications products.
MicrosoftMicrosoftEnglishynMicrosoft Corporation.
MicrosoftMicrosoftEnglishynto Microsoftify.
MicrosoftMicrosoftEnglishynto make more like Microsoft with regards to perceived business practices and tactics.
MilkܚܠܒܐClassical Syriacynmilk
MindheedMiddle EnglishynThe head (top portion of a human or animal): / The head as the origin of thought; intellect or one's brain.
MiningaccrochageFrenchnycollision, bump
Mint family plantsmuunjuga-iriaKikuyuynbutterfly bush (Rotheca myricoides, syn. Clerodendrum myricoides); recently reported that decoction of a shoot or roots used for treating STDs, including syphilis and gonorrhea.
Mint family plantsmuunjuga-iriaKikuyuynjammy mouth (Ruttya fruticosa)
Mint family plantsریحانOttoman Turkishynbasil
MonarchypríncipeSpanishynsovereign, ruler
MonarchyrealPortugueseynof or relating to the monarchy; royal; regal
MonarchyrealPortugueseynhaving the air or demeanour of a monarch; regal
MonarchyregentPolishynregent (one who rules in place of the monarch)
MonarchyregentPolishynAn official in charge of a royal chancellery, a secretary to the chancellor or the sub-chancellor; also: an official looking after the chancellery and court archives.
MongoliaմոնղոլերենArmenianynMongolian (language)
MongoliaմոնղոլերենArmenianynin Mongolian
MongoliaմոնղոլերենArmenianynMongolian (of or pertaining to the language)
MossesbagniakPolishynAny moss of the genus Philonotis.
MotorcyclesinteryorCebuanoynthe inner tube; the tire interior
Municipalities of Isabela, PhilippinesSan AgustinCebuanonySaint Augustine
Municipalities of Isabela, PhilippinesSan AgustinCebuanonyA municipality of Surigao del Sur, Philippines
Municipalities of Isabela, PhilippinesSan AgustinCebuanonyA municipality of Romblon
MushroomshedgehogEnglishynThe edible fungus Hydnum repandum.
MusicMamboGermannymambo (dance)
Musical genresgoombayEnglishynA genre of folk music played with this drum.
Musical instrumentsطنبورArabicyntanbur
Musical instrumentsChineseyna type of bell
MusicianscruittOld IrishnyAlternative form of crott
MustelidsnäätäFinnishynpine marten (Martes martes)
MustelidsnäätäFinnishynmarten (any member of the taxonomic genus Martes)
Myrtales order plantswater caltropEnglishynAn East Asian water plant with a horn-like nut, Trapa bicornis.
Myrtales order plantswater caltropEnglishynThe nut from this plant.
Mythological creaturesupiórPolishnyAny sheath-tailed bat of the genus Emballonura.
NationalitiesArgentineEnglishynOf, from, or pertaining to Argentina or its people.
NationalitiesArgentineEnglishynA citizen or descendant abroad of Argentina.
NationalitiesCanadierGermanynCanadian (person from Canada)
NationalitieskhmerskiPolishnyKhmer (language)
NationalitiestadžikkiFinnishnyTajik (language)
Nature𐎶𐎠𐏃Old Persiannymonth
Night黑天Chineseynnight; nightfall
NobilityDanishmendEnglishynA member of the Danishmend dynasty.
Nuclear warfareatomówkaPolishnynuclear power plant
Nuclear warfarefizzleEnglishynTo fail to generate the expected yield when exploded during testing.
Nuclear warfarefizzleEnglishynFailure of an exploding nuclear bomb to meet its expected yield during testing.
ObstetricslapsivuodeFinnishynchildbed (the bed in which a baby is delivered)
ObstetricslapsivuodeFinnishynshort for lapsivuodeaika: childbed (the period immediately before giving birth, when the mother is confined in bed)
ObstetricslapsivuodeFinnishynshort for lapsivuodeaika: puerperium (the period immediately after giving birth, when the mother's body is returning to the prenatal state)
OccultencantarSpanishnyto delight, be delighting to, to charm, enchant
OccultencantarSpanishnyto please
OccultencantarSpanishnyto like very much, love, enjoy
OccultkalipayCebuanoynbathwater prepared by soaking leaves of this plant in water, supposed to bring happiness to a child who is bathed in it
OccultkalipayCebuanoyna drink made by boiling the leaves of this plant, served to a couple before the wedding supposedly to promote a happy marriage
OccultܚܪܫܘܬܐClassical Syriacnydeafness, dumbness
OccupationsFils du CielFrenchynSon of Heaven (Emperor of China)
OccupationsWirtinGermanynfemale host
OccupationsWirtinGermanynfemale innkeeper
Occupationsborder guardEnglishnyA national agency that enforces the security of the country's national borders.
OccupationsclickerEnglishynA person who cuts out the uppers of shoes from pieces of leather using a flexible knife that clicks as it changes direction.
OccupationsclickerEnglishynOne who stands before a shop door to invite people to buy.
OccupationsclickerEnglishynAn employee who locks the type in the form to make it ready for printing.
OccupationscofiadurWelshynone who keeps records, registrar, secretary, clerk
OccupationscofiadurWelshynhistorian, chronicler
OccupationscofiadurWelshynrecorder, councillor, officer
OccupationselőadóHungariannypresent participle of előad
OccupationselőadóHungariannyspeaker (one who makes a speech to an audience)
OccupationselőadóHungariannylecture hall, lecture theatre, auditorium (a room in a university with many seats and a sloped floor, used to hold lectures)
OccupationskniferEnglishynSomeone who sells knives.
OccupationspastorSpanishynpastor, priest
OccupationspezevenkTurkishynpimp, procurer
OccupationspigmanEnglishynA farm worker who looks after pigs.
OccupationspigmanEnglishynA dealer in crockery.
OccupationsܡܟܣܐClassical Syriacnyimpost, tribute, toll, tax
OccupationsܡܟܣܐClassical Syriacnyauction
Occupationsབཟོ་པTibetanyncraftsman, artist
Occupationsབཟོ་པTibetanynworker, laborer
Occupations漫畫家Chineseynmangaka; manga or manhua artist
OneファーストJapanesenySynonym of 一塁 (ichirui, “first base”)
OneファーストJapanesenySynonym of 一塁手 (ichiruishu, “first baseperson”)
OneファーストJapanesenyClipping of ファーストフード (fāsuto fūdo, “fast food”).
OrganskulitBrunei Malayynskin (outer covering of the body of a person)
OrgansskynMiddle EnglishynThe skin (outer layer of the body or a portion of it) / A hide, fur or skin of an animal, especially used as a garment.
OrgansskynMiddle EnglishynA layer or cover located in the inside of the body.
OrgansكبدArabicnyto charge with, to incur
OrgansكبدArabicnyto place a weight or burden on
OrnithologyగూడుTelugunyA niche in a wall for a light.
Palm treesdate treeEnglishy
Paniceae tribe grasseshumayCebuanoynmillet
PartiesprzyjęciePolishynparty (social gathering)
PastyesternightEnglishynLast night.
PastyesternightEnglishynA preceding night.
PathologycàlculCatalanyncalculus (stony concretion)
PathologyhlízaCzechnyHymenogaster, genus of fungi from the family Strophariaceae
PathologyhlízaCzechnyWakefieldia, genus of fungi
PeopleBettseicherAlemannic Germanynbedwetter
PeopleWodnikPolishnyAquarius, a constellation
PeopleWodnikPolishnyAquarius, an astrological sign
PeopleWodnikPolishnyA masculine surname​.
PeopleWodnikPolishnyA feminine surname​.
Peopleanti-agnosticEnglishynA person who opposes agnosticism.
PeoplearmpieceEnglishnyA piece of armour that protects the arm.
PeopleautomatonEnglishnyA machine or robot designed to follow a precise sequence of instructions.
PeopleautomatonEnglishnyA formal system, such as a finite-state machine or cellular automaton.
PeopleautomatonEnglishnyA toy in the form of a mechanical figure.
PeopleautomatonEnglishnyThe self-acting power of the muscular and nervous systems, by which movement is effected without intelligent determination.
PeoplebanyagaTagalognyforeign; alien
Peoplebien pensantEnglishynA person who is bien pensant.
Peoplebien pensantEnglishynSomeone who accepts and/or espouses a fashionable idea after it has been established and maintains it without a great amount of critical thought.
PeoplecosmopoliteEnglishynOne who is at home in every place; a citizen of the world; a cosmopolitan person.
PeopledaredevilEnglishynA person who engages in very risky behavior, especially one who is motivated by a craving for excitement or attention.
PeopledirkEnglishynA socially unacceptable person; an oddball.
PeopleguardsmanEnglishynA person, especially a soldier, who is on guard.
PeopleguardsmanEnglishynA member of the National Guard.
PeopleguardsmanEnglishynA member of a Guards regiment.
PeoplehystericEnglishynA hysterical person.
PeopleladroneItalianynthief; robber (especially a highwayman)
PeopleladroneItalianynplural of ladrona
PeopleladyEnglishynThe mistress of a household.
PeopleladyEnglishynA woman of breeding or higher class, a woman of authority.
PeopleladyEnglishynThe feminine of lord.
PeopleladyEnglishynA title for someone married to a lord or gentleman.
PeopleladyEnglishynA woman: an adult female human.
PeopleladyEnglishynA polite reference or form of address to women.
PeopleladyEnglishynUsed to address a female.
PeopleladyEnglishynA wife or girlfriend; a sweetheart.
PeopleladyEnglishynA woman to whom the particular homage of a knight was paid; a woman to whom one is devoted or bound.
PeopleladyEnglishynAlternative form of Lady.
PeoplemagdidilaCebuanoynone who studies linguistics
PeoplemagdidilaCebuanoyna person skilled in languages
PeoplemandoLatinnyI order, command, enjoin
PeoplemandoLatinnyI put in hand; deliver over
PeoplemandoLatinnyI commit, consign
PeoplemandoLatinnyI confide
PeoplemandoLatinnyI commission
PeoplemandoLatinnyI put in writing
PeoplemandoLatinnyI send word to
PeoplemandoLatinnyI entrust
PeoplemandoLatinnyI chew, masticate
PeoplemandoLatinnyI bite, gnaw
PeoplemanggagantsoTagalognycontemplative aspect of manggantso
PeoplemunkatársHungarianynworker, contributor
PeoplenonconformistEnglishynA member of a church separated from the Church of England; a Protestant dissenter.
PeoplenonconformistEnglishynLoosely, a Christian who does not conform to the doctrines of an established church.
PeoplenonconformistEnglishynSomeone who does not conform to accepted beliefs, customs or practices.
PeopleunpersonEnglishynA human who has been stripped of rights, identity or humanity.
PeoplevaîsînNormanyn(male) neighbor
PeopleĐức Quốc XãVietnameseynthe Nazis
PeopleمدربArabicyntrainer, coach
People嚴師Chineseynstrict teacher
Percoid fishsnakeheadEnglishynA family of perciform fish native to Africa and Asia, Channidae.
Percoid fishокуньRussianynperch
Percoid fishокуньRussianynbass
PersonalityfriendlyEnglishynGenerally warm, approachable and easy to relate with in character.
PersonalityfriendlyEnglishynInviting, characteristic of friendliness.
PersonalityfriendlyEnglishynIn a friendly manner, like a friend.
PersonalitymellowEnglishynWell matured; softened by years; genial; jovial.
PersonalitymellowEnglishynRelaxed; calm; easygoing; laid-back.
PhilatelyColumbianEnglishynA stamp from the Columbian Issue stamps.
Philosophy農家Chinesenyfarming family
PhobiasxenophobiaEnglishnyA strong antipathy or aversion to strangers or foreigners.
Photographyהילוך איטיHebrewynslow motion
PinespinoPortuguesenytop (uppermost part)
PinespinoPortuguesenypin (cylinder of wood or metal used to fasten or as a bearing between two parts) / pin (slender object specially designed for use in bowling)
PinespinoPortuguesenypin (cylinder of wood or metal used to fasten or as a bearing between two parts) / pin (any of the individual connecting elements of a multi-pole electrical connector)
PinespinoPortuguesenyfirst-person singular (eu) present indicative of pinar
PinnipedsморжRussiannywinter swimmer, ice swimmer
Piperales order plantswild gingerEnglishynAny of the many plants similar to ginger in appearance or aroma. / Any of several species of Asarum, especially Asarum caudatum and Asarum canadense.
Piperales order plantswild gingerEnglishynAny of the many plants similar to ginger in appearance or aroma. / Asiasarum sieboldi
Places in EgyptרעמססHebrewnyRamesses (pharaoh of Ancient Egypt)
Places of worshippagodePortugueseynpagoda (a tiered tower with multiple eaves)
Places of worshipsantuárioPortuguesenysanctuary (place of safety, refuge or protection)
Places of worshipsantuárioPortuguesenya room where relics are kept
Planets of the Solar SystemErdeGermannysoil
Planets of the Solar SystemErdeGermannythe ground
Planets of the Solar SystemErdeGermannya world; a space to live in
Planets of the Solar SystemМеркурийRussiannyMercury
PlantsboubínGalicianynwhite stonecrop (Sedum album)
PlantscaeciliaLatinnyA kind of lizard
PlantsplîseNormanyngrass-wrack, sea-wrack, eelgrass (Zostera marina)
PlantsplîseNormanynsmall vraic washed up
PlantsthistelMiddle Englishynthistle (a plant belonging to the genus Carduus)
PlantsthistelMiddle Englishynthistle (any spiky or prickly perennial composite plant)
PlantsшөрилэSouthern Yukaghirnycolor
PlantsшөрилэSouthern Yukaghirnypaint
Plantsꦱꦼꦩ꧀ꦥꦿꦺꦴꦁJavanesenyglass chimney of a lamp
Plantsꦱꦼꦩ꧀ꦥꦿꦺꦴꦁJavanesenyegg rolls
Poetry詞曲Chineseynci and qu poetry
Political scienceelecciónSpanishnychoice
PoliticsdebateEnglishynAn argument, or discussion, usually in an ordered or formal setting, often with more than two people, generally ending with a vote or other decision.
Pome fruitscrabappleEnglishynAny of the wild species of apple tree, genus Malus, which generally yield small, bitter fruit (in comparison to domestic apples, Malus domestica).
Pome fruitscrabappleEnglishynThe fruit of this tree.
Pome fruitsmountain ashEnglishnyA tree native to southeastern Australia, Eucalyptus regnans, the tallest of all flowering plants.
Pome fruitsmountain ashEnglishnyA Texan ash tree species, Fraxinus texensis.
PostPOPEnglishynAcronym of Post Office Protocol.
PostPOPEnglishynAcronym of post office preferred. (denoting a standard envelope size)
PrisonklawiszPolishynprison guard
ProcyonidschicoSpanishnyboy; kid
ProcyonidschicoSpanishnywhite-nosed coati (Nasua Narica)
ProstitutionбабочкаRussiannyfeisty, spirited woman
Provinces of ItalyL'AquilaEnglishynProvince of Abruzzo, Italy.
Provinces of PakistanPunjabEnglishnyA geographical region of South Asia, divided (by the Radcliffe Line) between India and Pakistan. Pakistani Punjab includes the (West) Punjab Province and parts of the Islamabad Capital Territory; Indian Punjab includes (East) Punjab State and some other territories.
Provinces of PakistanPunjabEnglishnyState in northern India which has union territory Chandigarh as its capital; its biggest city is Ludhiana.
PsychologyabnoyCebuanoynretarded; having mental retardation; mentally deficient
PsychologyabnoyCebuanoyna retard
Pumpspetrol pumpEnglishnyA filling station.
Punctuation marksскобкаRussianynparenthesis, bracket
Radiovô tuyếnVietnameseynrelated to radio; wireless
Rail transportationropniakPolishnyempyema
Rail transportationropniakPolishnydiesel car
Rail transportationropniakPolishnydiesel engine
Rail transportationvykolejeníCzechnyverbal noun of vykolejit
RallidsortolanEnglishnyA small European migratory bunting (Emberiza hortulana), once eaten whole as a delicacy.
Ratites鴕鳥Chinesenyone who ignores problems as if they don't exist; head-in-the-sand; ostrich
Reference worksatlasSpanishynatlas (a bound collection of maps often including tables, illustrations or other text)
Regions of EnglandNorthumbriaEnglishnyAn Anglo-Saxon kingdom in the Northeast of England.
ReindeersvaadinFinnishnyFirst-person singular indicative present form of vaatia.
ReindeersvaadinFinnishnyFirst-person singular indicative past form of vaatia.
ReligionconventicleEnglishynA secret, unauthorized or illegal religious meeting.
ReligionconventicleEnglishynThe place where such a meeting is held.
ReligionconventicleEnglishynA Quaker meetinghouse.
ReligionconventicleEnglishynTo hold a secret, unauthorized or illegal religious meeting.
ReligionsecteMiddle EnglishynA religion or religious organisation (usually not referring to Christianity)
ReligionsecteMiddle EnglishynA division within a religion (either doctrinal or administrative)
ReligionsecteMiddle EnglishynA sect; a smaller offshoot of a religion with unorthodox belief.
ReligionvenquysshenMiddle EnglishynTo eliminate immorality or malice (within oneself or within others)
ReligionܟܦܘܪܬܐClassical Syriacynpagan, heathen
ReligionܟܦܘܪܬܐClassical Syriacynunbeliever, infidel
ReligionܟܦܘܪܬܐClassical Syriacynnegator, denier, apostate
Religion弟子Japaneseyna disciple, an apprentice
Religion弟子Japaneseynon a mala or Buddhist rosary, the ten small beads closest to the end of the portion that hangs free from the largest bead
Religion聖化Chineseynteachings of a sage (specifically Confucius) or of the emperor
Religion聖化Chineseynbeatification; sanctification
Religion聖化Chineseynto sanctify
ReptileschalcisLatinynA type of lizard or snake.
ReptilesparvipelvianEnglishynRelating to ichthyosaurs of the clade Parvipelvia
ReptilesparvipelvianEnglishynAny ichthyosaur of the clade Parvipelvia
RhetoricparableEnglishynA short narrative illustrating a lesson (usually religious/moral) by comparison or analogy.
RhetoricparableEnglishynTo represent by parable.
Rhode Island, USARIEnglishynInitialism of Rhode Island, a state of the United States of America.
RoadsbypassEnglishyna road that passes around something, such as a residential area
RoadsbypassEnglishynto avoid an obstacle etc, by constructing or using a bypass
Roadsfast laneEnglishnyAny situation or activity where the pace is very rapid.
RodentsosmákCzechnyAn eighth‐grader
RodentsκαστόριονAncient Greeknycastoreum
RodentsκαστόριονAncient Greeknythe fur of the beaver
Roman EmpireConstantineEnglishnyA male given name from Latin.
RoomscafeteriaEnglishnyA restaurant in which customers select their food at a counter then carry it on a tray to a table to eat
RoomschambroIdoynroom, chamber
RoomscofaOld Englishynchamber
RoomsнораRussiannyhole, burrow, form (burrowed animal dwelling)
RoomsнораRussiannyfoxhole, dugout
RoomsсарайRussiannyshed, storage building (small wooden construction)
RoomsсарайRussiannyuncomfortable, untidy room, pigsty
RoomsատեանOld Armenianynassembly hall, court hall
RoomsատեանOld Armenianynthe space in front of the sanctuary in temples
Rosales order plantsbuffaloberryEnglishynAny of several shrubs, of the genus Shepherdia, native to North America.
Rosales order plantsbuffaloberryEnglishynThe edible berry of these plants.
Rosales order plantsသစ်ပုပ်BurmeseynNilgiri elm, Eastern nettle tree (Celtis tetrandra)
Rue family plantsබෙලිSinhaleseynbael fruit tree, bel, Bengal quince (Aegle marmelos); also its fruit.
SI unitsáreaSpanishynare (SI unit of area equal to 100 square metres)
SalmonidssmoltEnglishnyBright; serene.
SalmonidssmoltEnglishnyCalm; fine; fair.
SalmonidssmoltEnglishnySmooth and shining.
SandwichesfocacciaEnglishynA flatbread similar in style, composition, and texture to modern pizza doughs and topped with herbs, cheese and other products. Focaccia typically consists of high-gluten flour, oil, water, sugar, salt and yeast.
SandwichesfocacciaEnglishynA sandwich made with this type of bread.
Sapindales order plantslanipgaCebuanoynthe Philippine cedar (Toona calantas)
Sapindales order plantslanipgaCebuanoynthe wood from this tree
Sauces肉汁Japanesenymeat broth
Sauces肉汁Japanesenymeat juice
ScarabaeoidsscarabEnglishnyA symbol, seal, amulet, or gem fashioned to resemble the sacred beetle.
Science fictionテレポートJapanesenya telecommunications port (telecommunications hub for satellite or other transmission)
Science fictionテレポートJapanesenya facility, region, or city with sophisticated telecommunications infrastructure
SciencesaddictologyEnglishnyThe practice of treating addictions.
Sciences理学JapanesenyShort for 宋明理学 (Sō-Min rigaku, “Neo-Confucianism”).
Sciences理学JapanesenySynonym of 哲学 (tetsugaku, “philosophy”)
ScolopacidsTerekEnglishnyA river that flows in Georgia and Russia.
ScotlandedimburguésSpanishynof Edinburgh, Scotland; Edinburgher (of or relating to Edinburgh, Scotland)
ScotlandedimburguésSpanishynEdinburgher (native or resident of Edinburgh, Scotland)
ScotlandescocêsPortugueseynScottish (of, from or relating to Scotland)
ScotlandescocêsPortugueseynScot; Scotsman (someone from Scotland)
ScotlandescocêsPortugueseynScottish (ambiguous term for any of a number of languages spoken in Scotland)
Seasons春冰Chinesenyfragile; dangerous
Securitygate rapeEnglishynAggressive security screening prior to aircraft boarding.
Securitygate rapeEnglishynTo screen (someone) aggressively prior to allowing them to board an aircraft.
SeismologyaftershockEnglishynAn earthquake that follows in the same vicinity as another, usually larger, earthquake (the "mainshock").
SensescéadfaIrishnyperception, understanding
Sewingsnáthaid bheagIrishnyhour hand (of clock)
Sexbutt plugEnglishynA sex toy designed for insertion into the anus and rectum.
Sex淫水Chinesenyoverflowing floodwater
SexualityrunkaNorwegian Nynorskynwank
ShapesowalPolishynoval (in a projective plane, a set of points, no three collinear, such that there is a unique tangent line at each point)
ShapesowalPolishynoval (shape like an egg or ellipse)
ShapestrapezoideCatalannytrapezoid (bone)
ShapesدائرهOttoman Turkishynthat goes round or surrounds; circle; circumference, ring
SheepborregoSpanishyna sheep around its second year of age
Ship partsկայմOld Armenianynmast
Ship partsկայմOld Armenianynsail
SinterklaassurpriseDutchyna gift wrapped in an ingenious or creative manner; often given anonymously during Sinterklaas celebrations in a similar way to secret Santa
SizesmallEnglishynNot large or big; insignificant; few in number.
SizesmallEnglishynTo become small; to dwindle.
SleepdrømNorwegian Bokmålyna dream
SleepdrømNorwegian Bokmålynimperative of drømme
SleepospałośćPolishnysluggishness, languor
SleepлежанкаRussianynsleeping ledge above a Russian chimney stove
SleepлежанкаRussianynsleeping place or couch
SmellsmokyEnglishynFilled with or enveloped in tobacco smoke.
SmellsmokyEnglishynHaving a flavour or odour like smoke; flavoured with smoke.
SmokingзапалкаBulgarianynlighter, strike a light
SnowsnowmobileEnglishynA vehicle with skis at the front and a caterpillar track at the rear, used for travelling over snow, sometimes as sport
SnowsnowmobileEnglishynTo ride or race in a snowmobile.
SoundchillarSpanishynto shriek, to screech, to scream
SoundchillarSpanishynto creak
SoundchillarSpanishynto sizzle, to hiss
SoundfüttyHungarianynwhistle (a shrill, high-pitched sound made by whistling)
SoundfüttyHungarianynsong, call (a melodious sound made by a bird)
SoundweykMiddle Englishynweak (lacking force or strength otherwise): / Hard to hear or detect; quiet.
SoundsplumpEnglishynThe sound of a sudden heavy fall.
SoundsraspEnglishynThe sound made by this tool when used, or any similar sound.
SoundsraspEnglishynTo make a noise similar to the one a rasp makes in use; to utter rasps.
SoundsscrapingEnglishynThe sound or action of something being scraped.
SoundsskrzypPolishnyAny plant of the genus Equisetum – horsetail.
SoundsskrzypPolishnysecond-person singular imperative of skrzypieć
SoupsστρατσιατέλαGreeknystracciatella (ice cream)
Soups火鍋Chinesenypot used for hot pot
Soviet UnionnomenklaturaEnglishynA list of bureaucratic posts in government and industry in the former Soviet Union (or other communist countries), filled by those appointed by the Party.
SpainCastileEnglishnyA medieval kingdom (and previously a county) in the Iberian Peninsula.
Spices and herbs肉果Chinesenyfleshy fruit; sarcocarp
Spurgeswolf's milkEnglishynEuphorbia esula (leafy spurge)
SquirrelswiewiórPolishynA male squirrel.
SquirrelswiewiórPolishyngenitive plural of wiewióra
StatisticszaludnieniePolishynpopulation (all people living within a political or geographical boundary)
Stock charactershulkEnglishynA big (and possibly clumsy) person.
Stock charactershulkEnglishynAn excessively muscled person.
Stock characterstomboyEnglishnyA lesbian.
SwordsספסראAramaicynsword, blade
TalkingburczećPolishynto mutter, to grumble, to say something with a bad mood
TalkingramblingEnglishynpresent participle of ramble
TalkingramblingEnglishynOf a speech: meandering, long and digressing.
TalkingramblingEnglishynA long meandering talk with no specific topic or direction.
Talking演說Chineseynto make a speech; to address
Talking演說Chineseynspeech; address
Tarantino ordinal numbersseconneTarantinoynsecond
TasteegernesseMiddle EnglishnyViolentness, ferocity; wrath, strength.
TasteegernesseMiddle EnglishnyRapacity; greediness.
TeaçaýTurkmenyntea (the plant, the dried leaves or buds of the plant, the drink made by infusing these dried leaves or buds in hot water)
TetraodontiformsumuTokelauanyntitan triggerfish (Balistoides viridescens)
Thirteen十三Chineseynthirteen; 13
Tick-borne diseasestheileriosisEnglishynAny disease caused by Theileria parasites, transmitted by species of ticks. / East Coast fever, a disease of cattle, sheep, and goats caused by the parasite Theileria parva, transmitted by Rhipicephalus appendiculatus
Tick-borne diseasestheileriosisEnglishynAny disease caused by Theileria parasites, transmitted by species of ticks. / Human theileriosis, caused by Theileria microti, transmitted by deer ticks.
Tick-borne diseasestheileriosisEnglishynAny disease caused by Theileria parasites, transmitted by species of ticks. / Tropical theileriosis, a theileriosis of cattle from the Mediterranean and Middle East area, from Morocco to Western parts of India and China, caused by Theileria annulata, transmitted by ticks of Hyalomma.
TimechildhoodEnglishynThe time during which one is a child, from between infancy and puberty.
TimecontinuousEnglishynWithout stopping; without a break, cessation, or interruption.
TimecontinuousEnglishynExpressing an ongoing action or state.
TimejornadaSpanishynworking day
TimelawKhumi Chinynmonth
TimemadrugadaPortugueseynthe period between midnight and sunrise; early morning
TimemadrugadaPortugueseyndawn (the first stages of a process)
TimemetztliEastern Huasteca Nahuatlynmonth
TimeměsacUpper Sorbiannymoon
Time頂日Chineseynday before yesterday
Time traveltimeslipEnglishnyA timesheet.
ToolsabakasLithuanianynabacus (device for performing calculations)
ToolsрубанокRussianynplane (a tool)
ToolsрубанокRussianynjack plane
TownsブイJapaneseynBuy (town in Kostroma Oblast, Russia)
TreesmakopaCebuanoynwax apple (Syzygium samarangense)
TreespaazaSeriyna type of tree, Sideroxylon occidentale
Treeswheel treeEnglishynAspidosperma excelsum, a tree native to Peru.
Treeswheel treeEnglishynTrochodendron aralioides, a tree or large shrub native to Japan, Taiwan, and southern Korea.
True finchesziarnojadPolishnygranivorous bird
TwoduetEnglishynA musical composition in two parts, each performed by a single voice (singer, instrument or univoce ensemble).
TwoduetEnglishynA song composed for and/or performed by a duo.
TwoduetEnglishynA pair or couple, especially one that is harmonious or elegant.
TwoduetEnglishynTo perform (sing, play, etc.) as a duet.
TwoduetEnglishyn(of two people) To say at the same time, to chorus.
TypographycolumnEnglishynA vertical line of entries in a table, usually read from top to bottom.
TypographycolumnEnglishynA body of text meant to be read line by line, especially in printed material that has multiple adjacent such on a single page.
TypographycolumnEnglishynA unit of width, especially of advertisements, in a periodical, equivalent to the width of a usual column of text.
Units of measurehontMiddle Dutchnydog
Units of measurehontMiddle Dutchnydespicable, worthless person
Units of measureknopSwedishnya knot (looping)
Units of measureπρόχοοςAncient Greeknyewer for pouring water upon the hands of guests
Units of measureπρόχοοςAncient Greeknywine-jug from which the cupbearer pours into the cups
Units of measureասպարէզOld Armenianynstadion (a unit of length equal to 184.97 meters)
Units of measureܓܘܡܐClassical Syriacynkind of grain measure
Units of measureနှမ်းBurmeseyna traditional Burmese unit of length equal to 0.03125 inches (0.79375 mm)
UniversitiescollegeEnglishynAn academic institution. / A specialized division of a university.
UniversitiescollegeEnglishynAn academic institution. / An institution of higher education teaching undergraduates.
UniversitiescollegeEnglishynAn academic institution. / A university.
UniversitiescollegeEnglishynAn academic institution. / Attendance at an institution of higher education.
UniversitiescollegeEnglishynAn academic institution. / A non-specialized, semi-autonomous division of a university, with its own faculty, departments, library, etc.
UniversitiescollegeEnglishynAn academic institution. / An institution of further education at an intermediate level; sixth form.
UniversitiescollegeEnglishynAn academic institution. / A residential hall associated with a university, possibly having its own tutors.
VegetableskuyotCebuanoynthe intoxicating yam (Dioscorea hispida)
VegetableskuyotCebuanoynthe root of this plant
VegetablespazıTurkishynchard (type of a beet)
VegetablessalaattisipuliFinnishynSpanish onion (large and sweet-tasting cultivar of onion chiefly consumed fresh in salads)
VegetablessalaattisipuliFinnishynSynonym of kevätsipuli.
VehiclesWagenGermanyna wheeled vehicle for transporting anything / a car, an automobile, a vehicle
VehiclesWagenGermanyna wheeled vehicle for transporting anything / a railroad car
VehiclesWagenGermanyna wheeled vehicle for transporting anything / a wagon, a cart (drawn by a person, by horses, by oxen, etc)
VehiclesspryteEnglishynAn off-road vehicle moving on tracks, which is used in amphibious and polar travel.
Venetian ordinal numbersdiseteVenetianynseventeenth
VesselsܡܩܘܪܐClassical Syriacnybeak
VillagesSaariFinnishynAny of a number of small places in Finland.
Villages in EnglandCoatesEnglishynA placename / A village in England, United Kingdom, any of several villages
ViolencedefenestrationEnglishynThe act of throwing something or someone out of a window.
ViolenceszarpaninaPolishyngrapple, struggle
Viral diseasesballaIlocanoynrabies
VisioncaochIrishnyblind, empty; (of place) blind, closed up
VisioncaochIrishnyblind; daze, dazzle
VisioncaochIrishnybecome empty, wither
VisioncaochIrishnyclose, become blocked
VisioncaochIrishnywink (ar (“at”)); flicker
Walls and fencesܒܘܓܪܐClassical Syriacynpalisade
WateraberWelshynestuary, mouth of a river
WateraberWelshynconfluence, joining of two or more rivers
WaterdamAfrikaansynpond, basin
WatereddyEnglishynA current of air or water running back, or in an opposite direction to the main current.
WatereddyEnglishynA circular current; a whirlpool.
WatercraftluggerEnglishnyThat which lugs in either literal or figurative senses.
WatercraftluggerEnglishnyOne who lugs, especially one whose job entails pulling or moving heavy objects.
WatercraftluggerEnglishnyA conman.
WatercraftluggerEnglishnyA person hired by a gambling establishment to locate potential customers and bring them in.
WatercraftluggerEnglishnyAn Indian falcon (Falco jugger), similar to the European lanner and the American prairie falcon.
WatercraftwhaleboatEnglishynA long narrow rowing boat, formerly used in whaling, which is pointed at both ends so that it can move either forwards or backwards equally well.
WatercraftwhaleboatEnglishynA boat resembling this and carried on a warship or other ship.
WeaponskulkaCzechynbullet (projectile)
Weaponsసుదర్శనముTelugunyThe city of the gods.
Weaponsసుదర్శనముTelugunyThe Salagram, a species of ammonite, worshipped as a representation of Vishnu.
WeathertumultusLatinynA storm, tempest, thunderclap.
Willows and poplarspioppoItalianynpoplar (tree of the genus Populus)
Willows and poplarspioppoItalianynthe wood of such tree
WindventoPortugueseynwind (moving air)
WindwindfallEnglishynSomething that has been blown down by the wind.
WindwindfallEnglishynA fruit that has fallen from a tree naturally, as from wind.
WindβοριάςGreekynnorth wind
WinecavaCatalanynwine cellar
WinecavaCatalanyncava (wine)
Wine bottlestappit henEnglishynA bottle of wine in the port wine trade containing 2.25 liters of fluid, three times the volume of a standard bottle.
Winter冬頭Chineseynearly winter
WitchcraftክታብAmharicynamulet, talisman, fetish, charm particularly wrapped in parchment or with medicinal herbs
WoodstwardzielPolishnytough guy
WoodstwardzielPolishnyhard disk
WoodstwardzielPolishnyinselberg, monadnock
WormsчервьRussianynworm (invertebrate)
WormsчервьRussianyncaterpillar, maggot, helminth, grub, larva
WritingchryjaPolishnybrawl (disorderly argument or fight)
WritingletraPortugueseynletter (letter of the alphabet)
WritingletraPortugueseyncalligraphy (style of handwriting of a person), handwriting
WritingμέλανAncient Greeknyneuter nominative/accusative/vocative singular of μέλᾱς (mélās)
YellowsmustardEnglishynDark yellow colour, the colour of mustard.
YellowsmustardEnglishynOf a dark yellow colour.
Zerozero-rateEnglishnTo subject (a good) to no value-added tax when sold (but the supplier can still recover VAT attributable to it).
Zerozero-rateEnglishnTo provide Internet access without financial cost under certain conditions, such as by permitting access to only certain websites, by subsidizing the service with advertising, or by exempting certain websites from data allowances.
Zoarcoid fishAalquappeGermannyburbot (Lota lota)

Senses that could no longer be found using senseid

centoquindicesimoItaliancentoquindicesimo-it-adj-NJNAr7zmone hundred and fifteenth
centoquindicesimoItaliancentoquindicesimo-it-noun-NJNAr7zmone hundred and fifteenth
अंगदSanskritअंगद-sa-noun-1mi4GbQua bracelet worn on the upper arm, armband
अंगदSanskritअंगद-sa-name-le5aq2Cdname of a brother of राम (rāma)
अंगदSanskritअंगद-sa-name-Oi6-f.5Mname of a son of गद (gada)
अंगदSanskritअंगद-sa-name-uqx4HMGRname of an ape, son of बालिन् (bālin)
´Russian´-ru-character-DPGJ-xEHacute accent
´Russian´-ru-character-PYsrQ3H6stressed-syllable indicator used in East Slavic languages

This page is a part of the machine-readable Pannonian Rusyn dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2024-10-06 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2024-10-02 using wiktextract (9f93753 and c1a3a36). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.

If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.